❮ Projects


The basic idea for the building in the project relies on a reflection that aims to simultaneously prioritize three levels of approach: 1. Deepen the provided preliminary program in its spatial transposition, making the pedagogical character of the solutions and spatial articulations legible, optimizing functional performance through a clear characterization of the organizational and distributive scheme of spaces, as well as the main served spaces, both in their spatial hierarchy and environmental control. 2. Critically reevaluate the preliminary study by articulating it with various regulatory aspects. 3.Clearly articulate the proposal in its interior/exterior and interior/interior relationships, coordinating it with different construction aspects, including the rationalization of the structural grid, passive energy control of all external envelopes, centralization of technical spaces, and the selection of materials to control construction costs and the future maintenance and operation of the building.
Therefore, the proposal involves creating an architectural object consisting of a J-shaped structure with access from the core where all common activities are located. This access atrium becomes the starting point for acquiring new skills and various knowledge, symbolized by the play of light and chromatic effects of the glass elements.
It is also from this access point that the proposed facilities are axially distributed, including the administrative core and the area for pre-school education.
Occupying the core of the created spaces is the social area, a multipurpose hall, and a cafeteria, accessed through horizontal circulations where the distinctive and symbolic feature of the vertical articulation of knowledge is the zenithal lighting. For its symbolic significance, this type of solution was also chosen as the entrance to the library.
After the social area, there is access to the primary education area, which, due to the required construction phasing, will continue to evolve towards the exterior.
The rooms dedicated to 1st cycle education are contiguous, occupying a wing where courtyards were created in visual alignment with the corresponding art rooms. With these courtyards, in addition to the correct lighting of these spaces, the intention is to provide visual permeability between these creative spaces, thus accentuating the transversal nature in the articulation of knowledge.
The trees proposed to be planted in planters in the various courtyards allow their inclusion in class pedagogical projects, enabling the exploration of content related to ecology, biology, temporal concepts, citizenship, among others. Additionally, this approach helps develop a sense of responsibility and autonomy through group work.
The proposed building features three orthogonal prismatic bodies, each with a single floor but at different height levels, aiming to fulfill both the programmatic requirements and create a dynamic architectural form.
Como proposta de organização funcional das diferentes valências ficaram todos os espaços distribuídos num só piso e constituindo unidades funcionais interligadas pela zona de convívio.


Location: Fidalguinhos, Barreiro
Status: Concluído (Concurso Público - 1ºPrémio)
Year: 2005
Client: Câmara Municipal do Barreiro
Area: 2402.35 m2
Topographic Survey: Joaquim Vieira
Architecture: MA Arquitetos
Landscape Architecture: MA Arquitetos
Specialties: MD Engenharia, Eng. António Trindade, Eng. Jorge Marques, MA Arquitectos
Construction Work: MIMOGAL
Supervision: Câmara Municipal do Barreiro
Photography: MA Arquitetos